
I really do have things that I want to blog about, but whenever I sit down to type, I become overwhelmed by the mountain of events/thoughts/ideas that I haven’t shared…..so I don’t end up writing anything at all. Great strategy, right?? 🙂

I also haven’t been sure what I want to do with this blog, or how I want to tell my stories. Things have been challenging for me in the mother ‘hood lately, and I don’t know exactly how I want to write about it in this space.

I know I want to remember these times and document the things I’ve been learning. I especially want to pump a fist of solidarity to the other parents in the trenches alongside me. But I’m not quite sure what I want to say or how to make it meaningful or how to make it so it’s not such a downer to read about – because life really is wonderful even when it IS challenging! I am extremely happy and my days are full of joy. I can feel myself becoming a better person and I love it (even if it isn’t a comfortable process).

But the difficult times –> re-organizing priorities –> blogging falling to the rock bottom of my To Do list.

So for now, I will leave you with this quote I love:


taken from THIS awesome talk

So much truth right there. I feel like I’ve been in “survival mode” for so long now — I used to hate it, but now I see it as an opportunity to really dig in and analyze what is most important in life. I like to think of it as a minimalist lifestyle challenge 😉 I may not have a minimalist/un cluttered home yet, but I have learned that my kids can live with one bath a week and that it’s not necessary to actually fold their clothes. SCORE.

love, rach