Recollections of Babyhood

I was just talking to my Momma dearest. As was giving me words of motherly wisdom and encouragement she added, “I KNOW you will be able to do anything you set your mind on doing! You are determined and you DO things! No matter what it is! You came out that way!!”

She then recounted the story of how, as a baby, I couldn’t quite get the hang of how to crawl at first. But I didn’t let that stop me from going where I wanted to go, all by myself….I taught myself how to roll instead. I was a steamrollin’ machine!

crazy-haired, steamrollin’ child

My Mom would take me to playgroups with other ladies and their babies, and they’d have the Mommy talks, “Oh, how is she eating, how are her naps, and is she crawling yet??”

My Mom would always reply, “Oh, no, she doesn’t crawl….but she is DEFINITELY mobile,”

And the ladies would just smile and give a rousing, “Oh that’s nice.”

Until they’d been distracted for a while and suddenly couldn’t find me, and I turned up all the way across the living room and halfway down the hall.

Then they were giving a rousing, “HOW THE HECK DID SHE GET THERE?! You said she doesn’t even crawl!!”

“Well, I told you she was mobile.” was my Momma’s tongue-in-cheek reply…

mobility is for makin’ messes and eatin’ onions. YUM.

This story is pretty funny to me. But what’s even funnier, is that it speaks volumes about who I still am as an individual.

Even though this happened when I was less than a year old, the same basic personality traits can apply to my twenty-something self.

Impressive, ain’t it?!

I am so grateful to have parents around to remind us who we are, with simple silly stories like this.

Are there any stories from your childhood that you love/are hilarious/mean something to you?! I love hearing baby stories : ) and seeing others’ baby photos. It’s one of my hobbies. Not that I sneak into parents’ homes and look through family photo albums…that would be creepy. But if it happens to come up somehow, I secretly love it. So feel free to share 🙂

love, rach

PS – I’ve noticed I’ve gotten quite a few new followers recently…and I don’t know any of you! Please say hello! I’d love to meet you 🙂


Today, I helped my cousin-in-law watch her children and the children of two of her sisters.

I. loved. it.

I really, really, really enjoy playing with and taking care of kids. I’ve really been missing it, too. hanging out with kiddos has been a huge part of my life, but after you’re in college people just don’t ask you to babysit anymore….unless you are a nanny [which I was].

I was talking to the husband after I got home and said something about how I wasn’t sick of kids yet because I’m not a mother.

and he said, “I don’t think you’ll ever get sick of them…” (sweet, right?) “… takes a certain lack of maturity to enjoy a lack of years.”

then he started giggling maniacally and gave me a big fat hug and kiss.

he sure is a tease. I love him a lot : )

PS – I asked him what that statement says about him, trying to tease him back (he’s six years my senior)…he just laughed and said “That you’re AWESOME.”

I can’t win.

Love — Rach

I have the sweetest husband…

I think my husband is the greatest. He always says the absolute most wonderful things.

The first words out of his mouth one morning:

“You know, you would have to chop off your head and bury it in the ground, cover it with horse manure, leave it there for four days, and reattach it. Then maybe, just MAYBE, you would be able to disguise your beauty. But that still might not cut it…actually I don’t think it would…”

That’s my sweet-talkin’ Romeo, right there. I love his guts.
